Posted in English 8


1) Have you ever been to the USA? Yes, I have.
2) She has never eaten cabbage before.
3) We have recently flown an airplane.
4) Has he ever seen your movie? No, he has not.
5) I haven’t heard that song since last years.
6) You have danced the tango for years.
7) Have you ever got a big gift from your uncle?
8) You have gone to Brazil.
9) Have you had a pet? Yes, I have.
10) They haven’t played handball since they were 10.
11) We haven’t visited our cousins in America since 2001.
12) He has never drunk alcohol.
13) You haven’t tried my chocolate cake.
14) Has she ridden a horse before? No, she has not.
15) They have recently bought a new house.
16) Have you ever read Harry Potter?
17) We have recently met him.
18) I have never listened to my sister.
19) She hasn’t found her first watch.
20) They have studied English since their first grade.

Posted in English 8


April 1-5

Lesson 1

Memory:Your brain is like a muscle/page 68/read the text and translate the unknown words

Grammar:determiners/everyone,no one,someone etc.

Hometask:2/c,page 69,ex.3/b,page 69

2. c

  1. someone
  2. none of them
  3. no one
  4. ever yone
  5. .
  6. every wehere
  7. all of them

3. b

  1. believe
  2. recognise
  3. believe in
  4. wonder
  5. imagine
  6. concentrate
  7. imagine
  8. wonder
  9. think
  10. recognised
Posted in English 8

Check your progress

1. a

  1. isn’t written
  2. are produced
  3. arn’t held
  4. is made
  5. are sold
  6. are bought
  7. is world cop held


  1. let, isn’t allowed to
  2. allowed to
  3. alloved
  4. let
  5. let
  6. allowed


  1. i haven’t eaten
  2. has been…for
  3. have lived…for
  4. haven’t seen…since
  5. haven’t listened…to it
  6. has phoned….for
  7. haven’t eaten….since

2. a

  1. adult
  2. yonng
  3. child
  4. middle
  5. elderly
  6. pensioner
  7. teenager




4. did…had 


Posted in English 8


Lesson 1

Hometask;ex.5/c, d, page 43

1) Look at the sign, Dad! You aren’t allowed to turn right here.

2) You can take photos in the museum, but you aren’t allowed to use a flash.

3) It’s Ok to take our bikes into the park, Steve — we are allowed to cycle there.

4) There’s a river in our town, but we aren’t allowed to swim in it.

5) My dad smokes but he isn’t allowed to smoke at home.

6) Are you allowed to use your mobile phone at school?

1) I don’t listen music after midnight — my parents say no. My parents don’t let me listen to music after midnight.

2) I watch the late-night film on Fridays — my parents say I can. My parents let me I can watch film on Fridays.

3) My brother doesn’t use computer — I say he can’t. My brother doesn’t let use computer.

4) We never run in the corridors at my school — the teacher says we can’t. The teacher never let we to run in corridors.

5) We don’t wear trainers to school — the head teacher says we can’t. The head teacher don’t let trainers wear in school.

6) I drive your car sometimes — my dad says it’s OK! My dad let your car to drive sometimes.

Lesson 2

Posted in English 8, Uncategorized



3) speak , will not understand, 4)phone, will you tell, 5)will not know, do not tell


2)does not she?, 3)is not he?, 4)are not we?, 5)are they?, 6)has she?


2)I have already had some., 3)Have you bought., 4)We have already finished., 5)Has Marta seen.


2)lift, 3)lorry, 4) litter, 5)pavement


2)moist, 3)global, 4)recycle, 5)rubbish, 6) waste, 7)kick, 8)forest, 9)clean


Posted in English 8

Read and match

1.What are the complications of bad sleeping patterns?

2. What steps can prepare our bodies for going to sleep?

3. What is the impact of sleepless nights at exam time?

4. Why is sleep so important for people?

5. What can be dangerous about watching a movie late at night?

6. Which lesson should help children sleep well?

7. In what kind of environment do people usually sleep best?

7. In what kind of environment do people usually sleep best?

A. It’s common knowledge that people sleep best in a dark room that is slightly cool. It’s important to close your blinds or curtains and make sure they’re heavy enough to block out the light. You can add extra blankets or wear pyjamas if you’re cold. Note that an uncomfortable bed, heat and noise can ruin a good night’s sleep. A TV is also a distraction.

4. Why is sleep so important for people?

B. If you don’t sleep enough or have a disturbed sleep you can get heart disease, high blood pressure and even diabetes. People who don’t sleep enough get colds and flu more often than those who do. Moreover, recent research proves that poor sleepers gain weight more easily than people who sleep well. Extra kilos are the reaction of the body to the stressful sleepless situation.

5. What can be dangerous about watching a movie late at night?

C. Think twice before watching a movie late at night. Don’t spend sleeping time on endless computer games. The thing is that by getting up and going to bed at the same time every day, even on weekends, you teach your body to follow a healthy regime. You’ll quickly fall asleep, will have a good night’s sleep and will wake up at the expected time feeling fresh and active.

2. What steps can prepare our bodies for going to sleep?

D. Some easy steps can prepare your body for going to sleep. You probably have some regular bedtime habits, even if you don’t realise it. Brushing your teeth, taking a shower, reading a book and setting your alarm clock may all be part of your evening routine. Remember that you should perform these activities in the same manner and in the same order every night.

3. What is the impact of sleepless nights at exam time?

E. Sleepless nights at exam time are very bad for students. If you prepare for your exam late at night, it will not improve your performance during the exam. On the contrary, it will affect your ability to concentrate, to react quickly and to analyse information. Recent research shows that the results of the tests written after sleepless nights are lower than usual grades.

6. Which lesson should help children sleep well?

F. If you think that during sleep, the brain rests, you’re mistaken. It’s a common myth about sleep. Sleep is definitely needed — but it’s not your brain that needs to rest, it’s your body that needs to relax. Your brain is still working when you’re asleep, controlling physical functions like breathing and your heart beat. However, because the brain does not have to go through the constant stress of thinking, you get up refreshed and recharged.

Posted in English 8


Read and  Match

1. Just Do It!

2. Just What the Doctor Ordered

3. Dangerous Consequences

4. Source of the Problem

5. Take It Easy!

6. Hard to Guess the Meaning

7. The Devil Is Not So Black As He is Painted

8. A Hidden Problem

4.Source of the Problem

A. You can often find articles and books addressing the problem of procrastination. If you don’t know this word, you might think it was a terrible disease. In reality, procrastination can be defined as a bad habit of doing something less important in order to avoid doing something more important. People procrastinate in many different areas, but we will focus on procrastinating at school, where it is a frequent problem.

5.Take It Easy!

B. Procrastination at school can lead to poor grades, low test scores, and finally not getting into a good university. Another negative result of procrastination is the stress of waiting to the last minute to do something. This can lead to staying up all night to prepare for a test. Also, the constant stress of having something hanging over your head, being scolded and criticized by teachers and parents can lead to feelings of guilt and worthlessness.

6.Hard to Guess the Meaning

C. Usually it is very obvious when somebody is procrastinating, for example, playing video games instead of doing homework. Sometimes, however, it can be less obvious. Sharpening your pencils and cleaning your desk may fool some people into thinking you are working hard, but can also be forms of procrastination. Some pupils are even able to fool themselves into thinking they are working, when they are just trying to avoid real work.

Dangerous Consequences

D. It is not always clear why people procrastinate. Some are just lazy or don’t have enough willpower, but there may be other reasons, perfectionism for one. Some people are afraid that they will be judged by others as failures if their work is less than perfect. For example, a pupil may fear the judgment of parents and teachers on a school report. According to psychologists, this fear of failure may be a cause of procrastination.

1.Just Do It!

E. Although it is difficult, there are ways to stop procrastinating. One way of doing it is to find out why you are procrastinating and deal with those problems. If you are a perfectionist, try to do the task quickly and not worry about it being perfect. Another solution, especially when the task seems too big, is to break it into smaller steps and do those one by one. This may lessen the desire to procrastinate.

8.A Hidden Problem

F. Still, procrastinating can be a good thing. For those who spend much more time working on a project than is necessary, waiting until the last minute can be a more economical use of time. Also, some people while procrastinating do things that are creative or useful in other ways. Finally, a certain amount of procrastination is part of human nature. Feeling guilty about it can be worse and more damaging than the procrastination itself.

2.Just What the Doctor Ordered

G. Procrastination is also a popular subject of laughter in films and TV shows and there are many coffee mugs, cartoons, and notebooks covered with jokes about it. Though many people consider it a serious psychological problem and even view it as a kind of disease, others laugh about it and are even proud to be procrastinators

Posted in English 8

Reflexive Pronouns – Exercise 1

1. Tom cut  while he was shaving this morning.
2. We really enjoyed  very much.
3. I repaired my bike .
4. Why don’t you clean the windows ?
5. Jack and I intoduced  to our new neighbour.
6. He decided to repair his bike  .
7. They looked at .
8. The film  wasn’t very good, but I liked the music.
9. The old woman sat at the park bench talking to .
10.Let’s paint the house .
11.Did you write it ?
12.She locked the door .
13.The children cleaned their room .
14.Ann backed the cake .
15.The cat caught the mouse .

Posted in English 8


b.1) Great! The weather man on TV says it will be sunny tomorrow.
2) Do you think people in the future will traveled to other planets like Mars?
3) What time will we arrived in New York tomorrow, do you think?
4) I love those trainers! When I get my pocket money next week, I think I will bought them.
5) Please can you help me with my homework? I promise it won’t take very long.

c.1) Don’t give that ice cream to the cat! It might be sick!
2) A: Where’s Alicia?
B: I’m not sure. I think she might be at her piano lesson.
3) I don’t know if this book is a good present for my brother. He might not like it.
4) Don’t put that glass there! Someone might broke it.
5) I’m worried about my moths test tomorrow. I might not pass it!
6) In the future, people will probably travel in space and they might live on other plants.
7) I feel awful. I think I … (have) flu.

d.1) Don’t throw your skis away. You might need them later.
2) You don’t need to take a jumper. It will